Wagner SprayTech Company History

Here is a bit of history concerning "Wagner" aka Wagner Spray Tech Corporation, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Wagner Holding, Inc.

There are several well known brands under the Wagner umbrella;

  • Wagner SprayTECH
  • Wagner
  • SprayTech (which is really Wagner SprayTech)
  • Titan
  • Speeflo
  • CAPSpray

This is merely a brief history based on info gathered from many Wagner sources. For a more visual more history please visit Wagner-SprayTECH history.

SprayTech Paint Sprayers

1946Joseph Wagner begins business trading machine tools and other goods
1953First electric spray gun
1964Diaphragm type airless sprayer born
1972Wagner acquires SprayTECH
1987Joseph Wagner passes away
1999Wagner acquires Titan Tool Company
2007After 60 years in business; about 1700 employees and 19 companies

As of 2010, the SprayTECH name will be phased-out, rolled into the Wagner and Titan Tools brands. Speeflo and CapSpray will rolled into the Titan Tools brand. The Wagner brand will be primarily home owner / consumer, small project, handyman spraying products in the USA. The Titan brand will be the contractor, professional grade equipment in the USA. The Wagner brand outside the USA will be both.

Wagner Groupwww.wagner-group.com
Wagner SprayTechwww.wagnerspraytech.com

Wagner SprayTech Corporation
1770 Fernbrook Lane
Minneapolis MN 55447

Titan Toolwww.titantool.com
Wagner Spray Tech Branch
Titan Tool branch
1995Titan Tools acquires Speeflo
 Titan Tools acquires CapSpray
Titan Tool
Paint Sprayer Piston Pump PF 23 Airless Sprayer Pusher Valve