Compare Graco Texture Sprayers

When it comes to a Graco texture paint sprayers, we get asked often; "what is the difference between..." this machine and that machine. This page is here to help answer that question with some side-by-side comparisons.

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 TexSpray RTX 1400SITexSpray RTX 2000PITexSpray RTX 5000PI
ImageGraco TexSpray RTX 1400si Standard Interior Texture SprayerGraco TexSpray RTX 2000PI Pro Interior Texture SprayerGraco TexSpray RTX 5000PI Pro Interior Texture Sprayer
Part Number17H57217H57317H575
Max Pressure (PSI)7070100
Gallons Per Minute1.42.05.0
Motor (hp)1.7 hp1.7 hp2.0 hp
Compressor Air Output6.1 cfm at 20 psi6.1 cfm at 20 psi8.6 cfm at 20 psi
GunLightweight Air Spray TriggerHeavy-Duty Air Spray TriggerHeavy-Duty Air Spray Trigger
Hose3/4 in x 25 ft1 in x 25 ft1 in x 25 ft
Max Hose Length25 ft50 ft100 ft
Weight lbs6370159
Hopper gal101315
Materials SprayedSimulated acoustic and drywall mudSimulated acoustic and drywall mudSimulated acoustic and drywall mud
 TexSpray RTX 5000PXTexSpray RTX 5500PX 240 VoltTexSpray GTX 2000EX
ImageGraco TexSpray RTX 5000PX Pro Exterior Texture SprayerGraco TexSpray RTX 5500PX Pro Exterior Texture SprayerGraco TexSpray GTX 2000EX Texture Sprayer
Part Number17H57917H581257030
Max Pressure (PSI)100100120
Gallons Per Minute5.05.54.0
Motor (hp)2.0 hp2.0 hpN/A
Compressor Air Output8.6 cfm at 20 psi9.1 cfm at 20 psiUser Supplied Air Compressor Required Minimum Requirements:
12 cfm at 100 psi
GunHeavy-Duty Air Spray TriggerHeavy-Duty Air Spray TriggerHeavy-Duty Air Spray Trigger
Hose1-1/4in x 25 ft HD1-1/4in x 25 ft HD1 in x 25 ft
Max Hose Length100 ft100 ft100 ft
Weight lbs16316395
Hopper gal151517
Materials SprayedSimulated acoustic, drywall mud, elastomerics, deck coatings and some cement-based materials
 TexSpray Mark IVTexSpray Mark VTexSpray Mark X 240 Volt
ImageGraco TexSpray Mark IV ProContractor Airless Texture SprayerGraco TexSpray Mark V ProContractor Airless Texture SprayerGraco TexSpray Mark X ProContractor Airless Texture Sprayer
Part Number17E603 17E60417E605 17E606 17E60717E608 17E609
Max Tip Size0.0330.0390.045
Max Pressure (PSI)330033003300
Gallons Per Minute1.11.352.10
Motor (hp)MaxPower 2.2 hp Brushless DCMaxPower 2.8 hp Brushless DCMaxPower 4.0 hp Brushless DC
Compressor Air OutputCompressor and Air Atomizer Kit required for some texture finishes
GunFlexPlusHeavy-Duty TextureHeavy-Duty Inline Texture
Weight lbs98130154
Materials SprayedOil-based coatings, enamels, latex, blockfillers, elastomerics, epoxies, drywall mud and other high-build materials
 TexSpray 5900 HDTexSpray 7900 HD
ImageGraco TexSpray 5900 HD ProContractor Airless Texture SprayerGraco TexSpray 7900 HD ProContractor Airless Texture Sprayer
Part Number17E839 17E84017E841 17E842 17E843
Max Tip Size0.0430.048
Max Pressure (PSI)33003300
Gallons Per Minute1.602.20
Motor (hp)Honda 160 cc (5.5 hp)Honda 200 cc (6.5 hp)
Compressor Air OutputCompressor and Air Atomizer Kit required for some texture finishes
GunHeavy-Duty TextureHeavy-Duty Texture
Weight lbs147159
Materials SprayedOil-based coatings, enamels, latex, blockfillers, elastomerics, epoxies, drywall mud and other high-build materials
 TexSpray DutyMax GH 230DI ConvertibleTexSpray DutyMax GH 300DI
ImageGraco TexSpray DutyMax GH 230DI ProContractor Texture SprayerGraco TexSpray DutyMax GH 300DI ProContractor Airless Texture Sprayer
Part Number24W943 24W944 24W962 24W96324W967 24W968
Max Tip Size0.0530.057
Max Pressure (PSI)33003300
Gallons Per Minute2.353.0
Motor (hp)Honda 200 cc (6.5 hp)Honda 270 cc (9.0 hp)
Compressor Air OutputCompressor and Air Atomizer Kit required for some texture finishes
GunHeavy-Duty TextureHeavy-Duty Inline
Hose 3/8 in x 50 ft BlueMax II Airless
1/4 in x 3 ft BlueMax II Whip Hose
1/2 in x 50 ft BlueMax II Airless
3/8 in x 3 ft BlueMax II Whip Hose
Weight lbs203213
Materials SprayedOil-based coatings, enamels, latex, blockfillers, elastomerics, epoxies, drywall mud and other high-build materials