Compare Graco Big Rigs and Roof Rigs

When it comes to Graco airless paint sprayers, we get asked often "what is the difference between..." this machine and that machine. This guide is here to help answer that question with some side-by-side comparisons and specs of Graco's Big Rig / Roof Rig line of gas hydraulic sprayers.

 Graco GH 733ESGraco GH 833Graco GH 933
ImageGraco GH 733ES Roof RigGraco GH 833ES Roof RigGraco GH 933 Roof Rig
Model Number16U279 16U778249318 249617 16U287 16U28816U281 16U282 16U783 16U285 16U286
Gallons Per Minute442.5
Horse Power131313
Max Pressure (PSI)330033007250
Electric StartYesAvailableAvailable
Max Tip Size - 1 Gun0.0650.0650.053
Max Tip Size - 2 Gun0.0460.046
Max Tip Size - 3 Gun0.0370.037
Max Tip Size - 4 Gun0.0320.032
Max Tip Size - 5 Gun0.0290.029
Max Tip Size - 6 Gun0.0260.026
Hose Size3/8 in x 50 ft
Weight lb512350350
 Graco GH 1017ESGraco GH 2570ESGraco GH 5040
ImageGraco GH 1017ES Roof Rig sprayerGraco GH 2570ES Roof Rig sprayerGraco GH 5040 Roof Rig sprayer
Model Number16U27716U278 16U77616U280 16U782
Gallons Per Minute16.573.5
Horse Power131313
Max Pressure (PSI)100025005000
Electric StartYesYesYes
Max Tip Size - 1 Gun0.067
Hose Size3/8 in x 50 ft
Weight lb512512512