Graco manufactures many different models of Airless paint sprayers, many of which fall under the category of Ultra or Ultra Max II. The majority of Graco dealers and distributors will sell their paint sprayers under these names.
For marketing purposes, Graco uses another name and/or part number for their airless sprayers that are sold specifically in Sherwin Williams stores. Labeled as either the Nova or Ultimate MX II, these sprayers are virtually identical to the regular Graco models, the only difference is in the label. Do not be fooled by those who might tell you the other model might be better, when in reality they are the exact same!
The chart below shows the comparable models between the Sherwin Williams name and the more common Graco model.
Standard Graco Models | Sherwin Williams Model |
Graco 390 | Nova 390 (Not available in the Hi-Boy version) |
Ultra 395 | Ultimate Nova 395 |
Ultra Max II 490 | Ultimate MX II 490 |
Ultra Max II 495 | Ultimate MX II 495 |
Ultra Max II 595 | Ultimate MX II 595 |
Ultra Max II 695 | Ultimate MX II 695 |
Ultra Max II 795 | Ultimate MX II 795 |
Ultra Max II 1095 | Ultimate MX II 1095 |
Ultra Max II 1595 | Ultimate MX II 1595 |
Standard Graco Models | Sherwin Williams Model |
Graco 390 | Nova 390 (Not available in the Hi-Boy version) |
Ultra 395 | Ultimate Nova 395 |
Ultra Max II 490 | Ultimate MX II 490 |
Ultra Max II 495 | Ultimate MX II 495 |
Ultra Max II 595 | Ultimate MX II 595 |
Ultra Max II 695 | Ultimate MX II 695 |
Ultra Max II 795 | Ultimate MX II 795 |
Ultra Max II 1095 | Ultimate MX II 1095 |
Ultra Max II 1595 | Ultimate MX II 1595 |
Item Description | Regular Part Number | Sherwin Williams Part Number |
New Contractor Gun (2-finger trigger) with RAC 5 517 Tip and Guard | 288421 | 826085 |
New FTx Gun (4-finger trigger) with RAC 5 515 Tip and Guard | 288431 | 826086 |
New Contractor Gun Hose Kit | 288489 | 826092 |
New FTx Gun Hose Kit with RAC 5 - 515 Tip, No Whip Hose | 288493 | 826087 |
Silver Plus Gun Hose Kit | 287095 | 824952 |
3/16 in x 3 ft 3300 psi Airless Whip Hose | 238358 | 826077 |
3/16 in x 5 ft 3300 psi Airless Whip Hose | 235359 | 826078 |
1/4 in x 50 ft 3300 psi Airless Hose | 240794 | 826079 |
3/8 in x 50 ft 3300 psi Airless Hose | 240797 | 826080 |
The most common paint sprayer hose on the market is Graco's BlueMax II spray hose. This is used daily by both painting contractors and homeowners because of its flexibility and longevity. Another hose that Graco makes is called FlexPro. This is sold exclusively in a certain chain of paint stores, who claim that it is even more flexible than the BlueMax II paint sprayer hose. Both of these hoses are manufactured the same way by Graco, the only difference being the name. Do not be fooled by stores who use marketing gimmicks to persuade buyers that there product is superior than another, when in reality they are the same item.