Portland Compressor has been in the Portland community since 1984, but recently has branched out across the globe after our expansion onto the internet. Many people throughout the Northwest; however, know us as being a true brick and mortar company specializing in air compressors and airless painting equipment, located in Portland Oregon.
We are able to offer both sales and service to many companies located throughout Northwest Oregon and Southwest Washington. Below is a list of cities and communities in the direct Portland vicinity in which Portland Compressors serves on a regular basis;
Aloha | Damascus | King City | Tigard |
Battle Ground | Dunthorpe | Lake Oswego | Troutdale |
Beaverton | Fairview | McMinnville | Tualatin |
Boring | Forest Grove | Milwaukie | Vancouver |
Camas | Garden Home | Oregon City | Washougal |
Canby | Gladstone | Portland | West Linn |
Cedar Mill | Gresham | Raleigh Hills | Wilsonville |
Clackamas | Happy Valley | Sandy | Wood Village |
Corbett | Hillsboro | Sherwood | Woodburn |
Now with almost two dozen of us making things happen here at Portland Compressor, we are the Northwest's largest distributor of air compressors and airless paint sprayers, parts and accessories yet we still provide the same home-town service that got us off the ground. Although we do not serve all cities within Oregon daily, listed below are additional cities within Oregon that we are still able to provide superior customer service to; whether it be through our service department or sales:
Adams | Donald | Lebanon | Salem |
Albany | Dundee | Lincoln City | Scappoose |
Amity | Dunes City | Long Creek | Scio |
Applegate | Eagle Point | Madras | Seaside |
Arlington | Enterprise | Manzanita | Seneca |
Ashland | Estacada | Maupin | Sheridan |
Astoria | Eugene | Medford | Siletz |
Aurora | Fall Creek | Merrill | Silverton |
Baker City | Farmington | Mill City | Spray |
Bandon | Florence | Milton-Freewater | Springfield |
Banks | Fossil | Molalla | Stayton |
Bay City | Garibaldi | Monmouth | Sublimity |
Bend | Gaston | Mosier | Summerville |
Bly | Gearhart | Mt. Angel | Sumner |
Boardman | Gervais | Mount Vernon | Sunriver |
Bonanza | Gold Beach | Mulino | Sweet Home |
Brookings | Gold Hill | Myrtle Creek | Talent |
Brooks | Government Camp | Myrtle Point | Tangent |
Burns | Granite | Nehalem | The Dalles |
Butte Falls | Grants Pass | Neskowin | Tillamook |
Cannon Beach | Grass Valley | Newberg | Toledo |
Canyon City | Halsey | Newport | Troy |
Canyonville | Hermiston | North Bend | Tumalo |
Carlton | Hood River | North Plains | Turner |
Carver | Hubbard | Oakridge | Umatilla |
Cascade Locks | Huntington | Pacific City | Umpqua |
Cave Junction | Imbler | Pendleton | Union |
Central Point | Imnaha | Philomath | Vale |
Chiloquin | Independence | Phoenix | Veneta |
Clatskanie | Ione | Pleasant Valley | Vernonia |
Columbia City | Island City | Prescott | Waldport |
Condon | Jacksonville | Prineville | Wallowa |
Coos Bay | Jasper | Prospect | Warrenton |
Coquille | Jefferson | Redmond | Wasco |
Cornelius | John Day | Reedsport | Waterloo |
Corvallis | Johnson City | Riddle | Welches |
Cottage Grove | Joseph | Rockaway Beach | Wheeler |
Creswell | Junction City | Rogue River | Willamina |
Culver | Keizer | Rome | Woodburn |
Dallas | Klamath Falls | Roseburg | Yachats |
Dayton | La Grande | Roy | Yamhill |
Depoe Bay | La Pine | St. Helens | Zigzag |
Detroit | Lakeview | St. Paul |