Ingersoll Rand 32165466Heavy Duty Inlet Air Filter Element, 4 Micron
32165466 is a heavy duty inlet air filter element. This was an optional filter add-on for several current and previous generation two stage Ingersoll Rand reciprocating air compressors.
The most common air filter element is 32012957 which is a 10 micron filter. If your air compressor is located in a dusty or dirty environment, you can use this heavy duty air filter instead. 32165466 has twice the filtration efficiency to prevent dust and debris from getting pulled into your air compressor and sent into your air line. No kits or replacement housings are needed to change from a standard efficiency filter to a heavy duty filter – simply remove your old element and install the new filter.
The heavy duty filters include a mesh wrapping around the outside of the element which acts as a pre-filter, removing bulk contaminants from the airstream before it enters the second stage of the filter.
The most common IR piston compressors that utilized this filter are the 2545, 7100, 3000, 10T2, 15T4, H15T4.
This is an OEM filter manufactured by Ingersoll Rand.