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OEM Graco

Packing Kit, Ultra Max 795/1095

SKU: 248212
Part #: 248212
GTIN: 633955047426
Please verify the series number of your unit before ordering Please verify the series number of your unit before ordering

Graco OEM 248212 Endurance Pump Repair Packing Kit

The Graco 248212 packing kit is one of the most widely used pump repair kits for the larger Graco contractor airless paint sprayers. 

The 248212 packing / pump repair kit is required when your airless paint sprayer output is low. If you see excessive paint leakage into the throat packing nut you may need to replace your packing as well.

The general purpose of the packings is to create a seal and direct fluid flow. This kit includes replacement throat packings and piston packings.

  • Throat packings seal the displacement rod to the top of the pump cylinder. As the throat packings wear, there may be leakage into the wet cup.
  • Piston packings create a seal inside the cylinder as the rod moves up and down

Pump repair kit 248212 includes the following parts:

  • 179810 - Throat seal
  • 192692 - Throat packing (qty 3)
  • 15C987 - Male throat gland
  • 105444 - Upper check ball
  • 105445 - Lower check ball
  • 156593 - Packing o-ring
  • 192693 - Piston packing (qty 3)
  • 118503 - Piston wiper
  • 178969 - Female piston gland
  • 178939 - Leather piston packing (qty 2)
  • 196880 - Male piston gland
  • 108526 - PTFE o-ring (qty 2)
  • 178940 - Leather throat packing (qty 2)
  • 15C988 - Female throat gland
  • 107079 - PTFE o-ring
  • 158776 - O-ring
  • 15C997 - Backup washer
  • 118494 - fluoroelastomer o-ring

For use with the airless sprayers listed below

Airless Sprayer Model DescriptionSprayer Model
Series Letter
795 II Ultra Max Prem Lo-boy248033 
795 II Ultra Max Std Lo boy248308 
795 II Ultra Max Standard Hi-Boy249646 
795 II Ultra Max Premium Hi-Boy249648 
795 II Ultra Max Premium Lo-Boy249649 
795 II Ultra Max Standard Lo-Boy249647 
795 II Ultra Max Premium Lo-Boy255133 
795 II Ultra Max Standard Lo-Boy255132 
795 II Ultimate MX Prem. High-Boy826072 
795 II Ultimate MX Stand. High-Boy826071 
795 II Ultimate MX Prem. High-Boy826042 
795 II Ultimate MX Stand. High-Boy826049 
795 ULTIMATE MX824140 
795 ULTIMATE MX HB825020 
795 ULTIMATE MX LB825022 
795 Ultra Max232140 
795 Ultra Max HB245020 
795 Ultra Max LB245022 
1095 ULTIMATE MX (Non-Display)824150 
1095 ULTIMATE MX (Display)825030 
1095 Ultra Max (Non-Display)232150 
695 II Ult MX Std Lo-boy826048 
695 II Ultra Max Prem Hi-boy248030 
695 II Ultra Max Prem Lo boy248031 
695 II Ultra Max STD Hi-boy248036 
695 II Ultra Max II STD Lo boy248037 
695 II Ult MX Prem Lo-boy826041 
695 II Ult MX Prem Hi-boy826040 
695 II Ult MX Std HI-boy826047 
695 II Ultra Max Premium Hi-Boy249644A,B
695 II Ultra Max Standard Hi-Boy249642A,B
695 II Ultra Max Standard Lo-Boy249643A
695 II Ultra Max Premium Lo-Boy249645 
695 II Ultra Max Standard Lo-Boy255130 
695 II Ultra Max Premium Lo-Boy255131 
695 II Ultimate MX Premium Hi-Boy826069A,B
695 II Ultimate MX Standard. Hi-Boy826067A,B
695 II Ultimate MX Standard Lo-Boy826068 
695 II Ultimate MX Prem. Lo-Boy826070 
695 II Ultimate MX Prem. Lo-Boy826094 
695 II Ultimate MX Standard Lo-Boy826093 
795 II Ultra Max Std Hi-boy248038 
795 II Ultra Max Prem Hi-boy248032 
1095 Ultra Max (Display)245030 
360G RentalPro (GMax ll 3900)255667 
3900 GMAX (Non Display)232610 
3900 GMAX (Non Display)232611 
3900 GMAX (Non Display)232612 
3900 GMAX (Non Display)232613 
3900 GMax Bare/HiBoy233701 
3900 GMax Bare/LoBoy233700 
3900 II GMax Prem Hi boy248686 
3900 II GMax Prem Lo boy248685 
3900 II GMax Std HI Boy248684 
3900 II GMax Std Lo Boy248683 
3900 LineLazer II W/1 Gun with driver233726 
3900 LineLazer II W/2 Guns with driver233727 
3900 LineLazer II W/1 Guns232651 
3900 LineLazer II W/2 Guns232652 
3900 LineLazer III 1 GUN233688 
3900 LineLazer III 2 GUNS233689 
3900 LineLazer IV 1 gun248862 
3900 LineLazer IV 2 gun248863 
3900 LineLazer IV Auto-Layout 1 gun253920 
3900 LineLazer IV Auto-Layout 2 gun253953 
California Residents: Prop 65 WARNINGS
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