Summit TM-15 Non-Synthetic Air Compressor Oil, ISO 46, For Piston Air Compressors

SKU: TM-15
Part #: TM-15
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Summit TM-15 Non-Synthetic Air Compressor Oil, ISO 46, For Piston Air Compressors

Summit TM-15 a non-synthetic compressor oil most commonly used in reciprocating air compressors. TM-15 is an ISO 46 lubricant Formulated from highly refined petroleum basestock and the unique additive Syntholate providing superior thermal and oxidative stability.

The Summit TM Series is formulated from highly refined hydro-cracked base stocks and the unique additive SYNTHOLATE. The addition of SYNTHOLATE inhibits the formation of varnish and carbon and provides superior thermal and oxidative stability. Utilizing the superior petroleum base stocks fortified with SYNTHOLATE extends the life of the Summit TM Series compared to that of conventional mineral oils.

TM-15 Benefits to your application:

  • Improved rust and oxidation protection versus general or multi-purpose R&O circulation oils
  • Reduced lubricant consumption - Extended drain intervals and lower vapor pressures reduce lubricant consumption
  • Reduced maintenance - SYNTHOLATE reduces carbon and varnish formation thus extending valve life and the time interval between overhauls
  • Eliminates recompression - SYNTHOLATE keeps the valves clean and eliminates the primary cause of recompression
  • Reduced power consumption - Elimination of recompression and reduced coefficient of friction result in less power consumption per unit of compression
  • Improved safety - Higher flash points provide a greater margin of safety in air compression

Summit TM-15 compressor oil is available in the following container sizes. Please contact us for pricing. The internal Summit product code for this item is 340178.

  • 330 Gallon Tote
  • 55 Gallon Drum
  • 5 Gallon Pail
  • 1 Gallon Container (must order in quantities of 6)
  • 1 Quart Container (must order in quantities of 12)

Physical Properties - Summit TM-15

  • ISO Grade: 46
  • Viscocity @ 40ºC: 44.0
  • Viscosity Index: 110
  • Specific Gravity: .868
  • Flash Point, Fº: 460
  • Pour Point, Fº: -44
  • Four Ball Wear, mm: .6

Summit TM-15 will work great with the following lubricants and is cross-compatible:

Atlas CopcoRoto Inject Fluid NDURANCE
Atlas CopcoRoto K Fluid
Atlas CopcoTurbo Oil Plus 46
Atlas CopcoRoto Inject Fluid
AXEL Royal LLCCirro R&O  46
BP Lubricants North AmericaEnergol RC-R  46
Castrol Industrial N.A. div. BPAircol PD  46
ChevronGST  46
Chicago Pneumatic Div. Atlas CopcoScrewGuard Rotair
Citgo Petroleum Corp.Pacemaker T  46
CompAir div. of Gardner DenverCompLube 2000P
CompAir div. of Gardner DenverFluid Force 2000 Screw Lubricant
D-A Lubricant Company, Inc.D-A Syn 1046
Doosan Infracor Portable PowerPro-TEC Compressor Fluid
Dow CorningMolykote L-0246
Edwards VacuumV Lube J
Elmo Rietschle Div Gardner DenverMulti Lube  46
ENI - American Agip - Lubricants Div.Dicrea  46
ENI - American Agip - Lubricants Div.Agip CO  46
MobilRarus 425
MobilDTE Medium
FUCHS Lubricants Co.Renolin AC  46
Gardner Denver, Inc.AEON  800
Gardner Denver, Inc.AEON 2000
Gulf Lubricants UK Ltd.Fidelity Oil  46
Imperial Oil LimitedCompressor Oil  46
ISEL Inc./VR Heavy Industries6045- 46
Jax, Inc.Compresyn HD PTS  5W20 (46)
Kaeser CompressorsSigma MOL Compressor Oil
Kurt J. Lesker Co.KJL SS 19
Lubrication Engineers, Inc.6402 Monolec
Lubrication Engineers, Inc.6802 Multilec
Lubriplate Div. Fiske Brothers Refining Co.AC-1
Lubriplate Div. Fiske Brothers Refining Co.HO 1
Masters Synthetic Oil Solutions, LLCSynthosol A005-46
Masters Synthetic Oil Solutions, LLCSOS-A1-46
Masters Synthetic Oil Solutions, LLCSOS-A4-46
Nu-CalgonCal-Vac Pump Oil
Oerlikon Leybold Vacuum GmbHHE 100
Oerlikon Leybold Vacuum GmbHHE 175
Phillips 66 CompanyHydroclear Diamond 32/46
Phillips 66 CompanyTurbine Oil  46
Pinnacle Oil, IncBlack Gold Vacuum Pump Oil
Primrose Oil Company, Inc.236 Primrose Plus ACO Light (46)
Quincy CompressorQuinSyn GL
Ritchie EngineeringYellow Jacket SuperEvac
ROCOLSapphire Hi-Power 46
Shell Oil CompanyCorena S 46
Shell Oil CompanyCorena S3 R 46 (Corena S 46)
StatoilCompWay  46
SWEPCO (Southwestern Pet. Corp.)702 Rotary Compressor Oil  46
TOTAL Lubricants USA, Inc.Dacnis VS  46
TOTAL Lubricants USA, Inc.Dacnis SB  46
TOTAL Lubricants USA, Inc.Dacnis  46
Ultrachem, Inc.P-ACO  46
Ulvac Technologies, Inc.R-4
Vacuum Products Canada, Inc.HE 100
Worthington CreyssensacRotair 2000
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