Graco LineLazer Line Stripers

In our Line Striper Information section, you will find a wide array of information. We have our Frequently Asked Questions page to help you with any questions you may have. We also have created a LineLazer Parts and LineLazer Accessories pages, to create an easy link to help you find those common items that many people purchase for their Line Stripers.

Graco LineLazer Stripers are the industry leader in the pavement marking system. Graco is known throughout the industry as being Top-of the-Line, and continues to out perform expectations with the new LineLazer V and Auto-Layout features.

There are many different Graco line stripers available, starting at the Graco LineLazer 3400 for occasional striping use, through the 200HS for your everyday striping needs. Graco Stripers ship complete with Flex Gun, 1 LineLazer tip and 1 regular spray tip (2 LineLazer tips and 2 Spray Tips a 2 Gun unit), 50' of BlueMax II Hose, TSL, and an Operational DVD. All stripers also feature the Graco G4 Warranty.

Graco LineLazer 3400 line striper

Graco has recently Introduced the new Graco ThermoLazer. This is the the most user-friendly, innovative thermoplastic striper to hit the streets. The Graco ThermoLazer is a type or thermoplastic handler which uses a mixture of glass beads, pigment, binder, and other filler materials that becomes mixed together and liquid when heated.

Using a Graco ThermoLazer rather than a regular striper will provide increased the reflectivity during night time conditions, and provides much greater durability than regular paint or materials found with other thermoplastic handlers

Visit our Thermolazer Information page to learn about all the features Graco has to offer.

Graco Thermolazer thermoplastic striper

All the information above is great if you are putting down lines, but what about taking them up? Graco introduces the 270, 390 and 480 GrindLazers as your total solution for all of your scarifier applications. Every Graco paint line removal machine exceeds comparable competitive units in ease of use and quality.

When choosing which Graco GrindLazer best fits your needs, you must consider what material you will be removing and how fast you want to complete the job. This guide will help walk you through this process and put you in the right GrindLazer.

Graco GrindLazer scarifier line removal system

Graco Warranty

All Graco FieldLazers feature a 1 year warranty on the overall machine, and a 90-Day Honda GX31 and GX35 Engine Warranty. Graco is widely known for the parts availability, even after models have been discontinued, so if anything were to happen to your FieldLazer, you should have no problem getting a hold of the parts you need, or finding a service center to help fix your machine.

Graco's Exclusive G4 Warranty