Texture Sprayer Trouble Shooting Guide




Sprayer will not runPower switch not onTurn switch on.
No power at wall outletCheck outlet by plugging in another appliance. If appliance does not work, try another outlet.
Breaker trippedReset breaker
Pump won’t pump materialMix too thickAdd water to thin material. Use Material
Thickness Gauge.
Selector switch in wrong positionMove selector switch to correct position
for application.
Loose fittingsCheck and retighten all fittings.
Pump hose worn outReplace hose. Recommended hose
replacement - once every year.
Plugged gunRelieve Pressure,
Pump coldMove pump to warm room and allow it to warm up or run hot water through sprayer
Air lockOpen air valve on gun.
Material runs out of bottom of sprayerPump hose worn outReplace hose.
Loose fittingsCheck and retighten all fittings.
No air from compressorGun air valve closedOpen gun air valve.
Low voltageCheck extension cord length and gauge. Replace if different than recommended. Refer to Grounding and Electrical Requirements
Gun needle pluggedClean needle and retry
Worn compressorReplace compressor. Contact a qualified Graco Service Center.
Damaged hoseReplace hose.
Lines not connectedCheck all quick disconnect connections to gun and hoses.
Speed of application slow or slowerMaterial too thickThin material.
Thin material. Nozzle too smallChange nozzles to a larger size.
Pump hose wornReplace hose.
Plugged or dirty gunRelieve Pressure, Clean gun.
Gun adjustment set too lowIncrease flow adjustment with flow adjustment nut.
Extension cord too long or wrong gaugeUse a different extension cord. Refer to Grounding and Electric Requirements
Too much air being used.Partially close gun air valve to reduce air flow.
Intermittent flow/sputteringHopper connection not tightCheck gasket. Tighten connection
Debris in systemClean system.
Quick disconnect does not stay connected.Dirty or corroded fittingClean thoroughly. Soak in oil. Apply a few drops of light oil.
Tip is partially clogged.Clear Tip
Fluid supply is low or empty.Refill fluid supply. Prime pump. Check fluid supply often to prevent running pump dry.
Gun will not shut offWorn nozzle or needle.Relieve Pressure. Replace worn parts
Debris in needle passageRelieve Pressure, clean
Pump output is lowIntake valve ball and piston ball are not seating properlyRemove intake valve and clean. Check balls and seats for nicks; replace if necessary. Strain paint before using to remove particles that could clog pump
Fluid filter, tip filter, or tip is clogged or dirty.Clean filter
Prime valve leakingRelieve pressure. Repair prime valve.
Verify pump does not continue to stroke when gun trigger is released.Service pump
Leaking around throat packing nut which may indicate worn or damaged packings.Replace packings; see pump manual. Also check piston valve seat for hardened paint or nicks and replace if necessary. Tighten packing nut/wet-cup.
Low stall pressureTurn pressure knob fully clockwise. Make sure pressure control knob is properly installed to allow full clockwise position. If problem persists, replace pressure transducer.
Large pressure drop in hose with heavy materialsUse larger diameter hose and/or reduce overall length of hose.
Small irregularities of new clutch surfaces grind together and cause noiseClutch surfaces need to wear into each other. Noise will dissipate after a day of run time.
Pump stops pumpingStalled pumpShut down system. Relieve pressure,
Pulsing or surging materialTriggering too fastSlowly squeeze trigger to fully open position while moving gun quickly in a circular motion.
Pattern too fine or too much oversprayMaterial too thinThicken material. Material must be mixed thoroughly to a consistency that immediately folds back in as you draw your finger through the surface of the material.
Air pressure at gun too highDecrease air to gun at gun fitting and/or regulator.
Fluid delivery too lowIncrease nozzle size. Increase air pressure to pump, or decrease air to gun at gun fitting and/or regulator Turn fluid knob out on gun.
Pattern too coarseMaterial too thickThin material. Material must be mixed thoroughly to a consistency that immediately folds back in as you draw your finger through the surface of the material.
Air pressure at gun too lowIncrease air to gun at gun fitting and/or regulator.
Fluid delivery too highDecrease nozzle size. Decrease air pressure to pump, or increase air to gun at gun fitting and/or regulator. Turn fluid knob in on gun.
Soft start won’t work/pump, always loadedSensor is badChange sensor
Air leak due to bad seal keeps valve openReplace seal
Normal soft start system delayRelease trigger for 10-15 seconds. Retry.
Switch is not operating properlyReplace switch
Damaged solenoid valve on cylinderCheck gun supply, hose and sprayer for leaks
Air leakCheck gun supply, hose and sprayer for leaks
Needle adjustment won’t adjustDirty threadsClean threads
Nozzle not on gunPut nozzle on gun
Flow nut set to maximum adjustmentTurn flow nut adjustment the other